FCCLA Kicks Off New Year
FCCLA Kicks Off New Year
by Ellie Peters
The Pierce FCCLA chapter held their annual kickoff meeting at the high school on Monday, August 29.
The meeting started off with introducing the 2016-2017 officers including president Breane Hoffman, vice president Sydney Slater, secretary Ellie Peters, historian and treasurer Stephanie Rinkel, public relations officer Rose Graham, STAR chairperson Elizabeth Harris, Power of One chairperson Mackenzie Richmond, and District 8 representative and community service chairperson Sydney Erickson. The members were then informed about some of the activities they will have the opportunity to participate in during the year. Then, everybody ate a meal consisting of sloppy joes, chips, and dessert bars.
When everyone was finished eating, advisor Mrs. Cheryl Timm covered a few last things, such as the point system.
The meeting concluded with a couple of icebreakers such as “What Are You Doing?” and beach volleyball.
“It was a successful evening,” Mrs. Timm said. “It was fun and informative, and we had a good turnout.”
The group’s next all-member meeting will be on September 26, at 7:00 p.m.