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High School and Junior High Choirs Shine in Tuesday Evening Concert
By Brianna Rundell The high school held a winter choral concert with the junior high and senior high on Tuesday, February 25. First up was the junior high. They started off with the song called . . .
Brynnlee Marks Chosen for All-State Choir
by Angelica Volquardsen Pierce student Brynnlee Marks, a freshman, auditioned and has been accepted for the Nebraska All-State Choir. Over 3,000 students audition each year for the All-State . . .
Choirs Perform Spring Concert
by Moran Crist Pierce’s elementary, junior high, and senior high choir students performed a concert on Thursday, March 31, in the high school gym. Under the direction of Terri Haselhorst, the elementary concert began the . . .
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