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Pierce High Students Are Getting Ready For Prom
By Elizabeth Furstenau Students and faculty are preparing for prom, which will be held on Friday, March 21, at The White House Reception Hall. This year’s theme is Roll Out the Red Carpet/Hollywood. . . .
College Visits are Important
By Brody Knox Visiting a college as a junior or senior helps narrow a student's choice of school and future career. Moving to a new home can be difficult, especially when it is a whole new atmosphere, so visiting . . .
SKA Babysits and Makes Blankets
By Parker Gaes Secret Kindness Agents (SKA) do a service project every month of the school year and January's service project was making tie blankets for the residents of the Pierce nursing home, Premier Estates, . . .
The Dance Team Takes the Stage in Grand Island
By Rylee Altwine The dance team took a trip to Grand Island and the Heartland Events Center on Friday, February 21, for the Nebraska Coaches Association (NCA) yearly state dance competition. . . .
2025 Winter Royalty Dance
By Brianna Rundell Students were lined up waiting patiently outside the doors ready to dance the night away at the 2025 Winter Royalty but, before all of that, there must be a king and queen crowned. . . .
Ready to Drive? Driver's Ed Class 2025
Northeast is offering a Provisional Operator’s Permit Driver Training course. Individuals need to be 14-17 years old and must have an LPE, SCP or LPD. Students will acquire the basic skills to operate a vehicle. The class will be . . .
PHS Graduation
By Brianna Rundell It’s that time of the year when seniors reach an important milestone in their lives, and Pierce High held its graduation ceremony, recognizing the 55 graduating seniors, on Saturday, May . . .
The Heisman Trophy Trust has the honor of announcing the 2023 School Winners for the Heisman High School Scholarship, and the Pierce High School winners are Travis Emory & Madelyn Hanson. Thousands of high . . .
Wachholtz and Valverde Crowned 2023 Homecoming King and Queen
By Sara Thomsen Pierce High crowned Keenan Valverde as the 2023 Homecoming king and Jaya Wachholtz as queen on the Pierce High track after the football game versus Wayne on Friday, September 22. . . .
Pierce Seniors Moved on to the Semifinals of the National Scholarship
By Sara Thomsen Travis Emory and Noah Jones became two of the 111 Nebraska students who are entered into the semifinals of the National Merit Scholarship. Students qualify by having a . . .
Two Seniors Recognized for Outstanding PSAT Performance
By Emma Risinger Seniors Travis Emory and Noah Jones of Pierce High School received the National Rural and Small Town Award (NRSTA) that was presented by a National Recognition Program through the College . . .
30 Years of Pierce Wrestling
By Addison Croghan Believe it or not, this competition year was Pierce wrestling’s 30th birthday. All the way back in March 1992, the Pierce School Board directed that . . .
The Latest Bluejay Updates
Congratulations to our 71414A Noggin Boppers Robotics Team for Qualifying for State!! March 6 - Post Prom Meeting at PHS Commons 6:30pm March 7 - No School March 8 - Speech at David City 8am March 9 - Music Bingo @ Pierce . . .
Homecoming Royalty Crowned
By Kaden Froehlich Following the O'Neill football game on Friday, September 30, the homecoming coronation took place on the track, and the Pierce High 2022 homecoming king is Bode Hoffman and the . . .