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People Relish in the Sound of Pierce Jazz Band’s Performance at the UNO Jazz Festival

By Keaton Vavra The Pierce jazz band traveled to the University of Nebraska at Omaha for the jazz festival on February 28.  The jazz band consists of Payton Ebmeier, Maya Johnson, Brayden . . . read more

UNL Winter Festival Participants Gratify Listeners’ Ears

By Keaton Vavra Two Pierce students, Trayton Christiansen and Spencer Sindt, attended the Winter Festival held at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln campus.  “The Winter Festival is a . . . read more

Selected Band Members Experience UNK Honor Band 

By Ella Gaes    Five band students from Pierce High participated in the honor band hosted by the University of Nebraska at Kearney’s Department of Music on Monday, January 30. The honor band . . . read more

Three 8th Graders Chosen for All-State Honor Band

by Raegan Theisen   A selected group of three eighth grade students earned the opportunity to participate in the NSBA (Nebraska State Bandmasters Association) All State Honor Band on Saturday, January 7, held at . . . read more

Two Chosen for All-State Band 

By Shayna Haase   Freshman flute player Mya Johnson and junior percussionist Travis Emory will be representing Pierce in the All-State band at the 2022 NMEA (Nebraska Music Education Association) . . . read more

Pierce High Marches in Yankton 

By Kaden Froehlich    On Saturday, October 9, the Pierce band went to Yankton to compete in the Meridian Marching Festival. Overall, the band received 2nd place in the parade in Class A, and 1st place . . . read more

Pierce Marching Band Holds Festival 

By Ella Gaes    On Wednesday, October 5, Pierce High School was the hotspot for surrounding schools competing in the 2022 Pierce Marching Contest. These schools included Creighton, Crofton, David City, . . . read more

Marching into an End

by Audrea Huber   On Saturday, October 26, the Pierce High marching band traveled to Kearney to perform at the state competition. They performed at Kearney High School and played a selection of Elvis . . . read more

All-State Band Member Chosen

by Samantha Fischer   Each year, approximately 3,000 of the best high school musicians in the state audition for the Nebraska All-State Band, Chorus, Jazz Band and Orchestra, which are sponsored by the Nebraska . . . read more

Pierce High School Band Bangs the Drums in Vermillion, South Dakota

by Megan Druyor   On October 19, the Pierce High school band traveled to Vermillion, South Dakota, to play at the Quad State Marching Competition, and placed second.  Audrea Huber, a clarinet . . . read more

Marching Into Success

by Aundrea Huber   On October 12 the Pierce High School marching band traveled to Yankton, South Dakota, to compete in parade marching and field marching in the March to the Meridian contest. The band started the . . . read more

Pierce Marching Band Soars High

by McKenna Shonka   The Pierce High Marching Band traveled to Kearney on Saturday, October 20 for a NSBA State Marching Contest. The Pierce High Band placed a Division 1 Superior. They performed as a Class C . . . read more

Pierce High Marches On

by Angelica Volquardsen   The Pierce High marching band competed in a parade march and field competition on Saturday, October 13 in Yankton, South Dakota. Pierce received 2nd in parade march and 2nd in field . . . read more

Pierce Performs at Grand Island

by Tanner Kuper   Pierce High Marching Band traveled to Grand Island to perform their pieces, on Saturday, October 6. Pierce participated in parade marching and they also performed their field show . . . read more

Pierce High Band

PHS Holds Marching Band Festival by Angelica Volquardsen   The Pierce High marching band performed and received a superior rating in its Marching Festival on Wednesday, October 4, at the high . . . read more

Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

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