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Pierce Goes to Battle Creek for Speech
By Alanna McKeown The Pierce speech team advanced to Battle Creek for a speech meet on Saturday, February 22. “I was proud of everyone's performances,” head coach Melissa . . .
Pierce Speech Competes with Multiple Schools in Wayne
By Brody Coulter The Pierce High speech team flocked to the Wayne High/Wayne State Classic speech meet on Saturday, February 8, and placed fifth with 122 team points. At this meet, all competitors . . .
Speech Triumphs at Wausa-Osmond
by Klarissa Norris The Pierce High Speech team was victorious after competing at the annual Wausa-Osmond Speech Invitational on Saturday, February 15. Pierce placed first in the team sweepstakes . . .
Varsity Speech Competes at Wayne
by Klarissa Norris The Pierce High varsity speech team competed at the second annual Wayne High/Wayne State Speech Classic on Saturday, February 8, and as a team, Pierce earned the title of runner-up against 23 . . .
Speech Team Competes with Confidence
by Michaela McWilliams The Pierce Speech team members grabbed their scripts and headed over to Hartington bright and early on Saturday, February 1. The varsity added another win to their record while the junior . . .
Speech Team Competes at State
by Kendra Schulz Seven high school speech team members along with their coaches Melissa Legate, Junior Aguilar, and Kate Bretschneider traveled to UNK in Kearney to compete at state on Thursday, March 21. . . .
Speech Team Triumphs at Districts
by Rose Graham Flood conditions could not stop the PHS speech team, who competed in districts hosted by Boone Central for the C1-4 competition on Wednesday, March 13. The team were district champions and are sending eight . . .
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