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Pierce High National FFA Week
By Brianna Rundell National FFA week is coming to Pierce High from February 17-20. Throughout the week, the school will get festive with dress-up days. On Monday, the theme is stand by the . . .
Local FFA Member to Perform in Indianapolis
Local FFA Member Trayton Christiansen selected to perform with the National FFA Band at the 2024 National FFA Convention & Expo. INDIANAPOLIS (Wed,October 23,2024 /National FFA Organization) – Trayton . . .
Pierce FFA Hosts Annual Banquet
By Brielle Unseld The Pierce FFA chapter held its annual banquet on Saturday, April 22, at the Pierce County Pavillion. This banquet allows the chapter to show the community the leadership, growth, and . . .
FFA Crushes CDE Competition
By Ella Gaes Every year the Pierce FFA Chapter competes in the annual CDE (Career Development Events) Competition hosted at Northeast Community College on February 27. Mr. . . .
FFA Carries Home the Gold from the Classic
by Haiden Magnussen The Pierce FFA chapter traveled to Kearney on Wednesday, February 22, to compete in the annual Cattlemen's Classic FFA event and brought home first place. The FFA took . . .
Hard Work “Pays” Off
By Ella Gaes At the last FFA monthly meeting, the Pierce FFA Alumni presented a $500 grant to four FFA members for their SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) projects. Each FFA member has an SAE . . .
Pierce FFA Crushes LDE Competition
By Ella Gaes On Wednesday, November 30, members of the Pierce FFA competed in the District 4 Leadership Development Event (LDE) in Madison. Members have the opportunity to compete in a range of . . .
Future Farmers Experience Indy
By Ella Gaes Ten FFA members from the Pierce FFA Chapter got to experience the 95th National FFA Convention located in Indianapolis, Indiana. On the evening of Tuesday, October 25, . . .
Students Seek Out the Soil
By Ella Gaes On Wednesday, October 12, 25 students from Pierce High School participated in the 2022 FFA Region 5 Land Judging competition held west of Tilden. Students from different grade levels have spent . . .
FFA Puts the Year Into Gear
By Ella Gaes The Pierce FFA Chapter has put the 2022-2023 year into gear at the annual tractor driving contest. On Saturday, September 17, the Pierce FFA Alumni hosted a Tractor Driving Contest . . .
FFA Banquet
by Ella Gaes On Saturday, April 23, the Pierce held their Annual FFA banquet at the Pierce County Fairgrounds Pavillion at 6:30 p.m. The officer team worked very hard and put a lot of time in to prepare . . .
2022 State FFA Convention
by Isabelle Skrdla The Pierce FFA Chapter took 38 members to Lincoln for the 94th FFA State Convention and walked away with numerous awards, including a national qualifier. The chapter took . . .
New Addition to Greenhouse Benefits our School and Community
by Isabelle Skrdla During the fall semester, the ag business class developed a business plan all semester that consisted of utilizing a hydroponics garden system. This method simply grows edible plants like herbs, . . .
TMBaits Heads to State
by Isabelle Skrdla Trever Montgomery, sophomore at Pierce High School, has started a bait business for his FFA project, or his Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). He submitted his SAE into the Ag . . .
Cattlemen's Classic
by Ella Gaes On Wednesday, February 16, eight members from the Pierce FFA chapter traveled to Kearney for the Cattlemen's Classic. These members included Ayden Thelen, Colton Fritz, Kelton Anderson, . . .
Livestock Judging
by Isabelle Skrdla The Pierce FFA Chapter sent 15 members to Northeast Community College in Norfolk to compete in district livestock judging on Thursday, January 27. The top placer in the . . .
SAE Grant Winners
by Isabelle Skrdla Congratulations Haiden Magnussen, Trever Montgomery, Dakota Marks, and Ella Gaes for being awarded $500 for their SAEs (Supervised Agricultural Experience). They were awarded these . . .
Dirt Roads to the Big City
by Isabelle Skrdla The Pierce FFA packed their bags and hit the road toward Indianapolis, Indiana, on October 26 after school. The crew met up with four other schools, and they all camped out overnight on the bus. . . .
Digging in the Dirt
by Isabelle Skrdla The Pierce FFA took 23 students to Howells-Dodge on Tuesday, October 5, to participate in the Northeast district land judging contest. The contestants were of all ages from freshmen to . . .
Pierce FFA Holds Annual Banquet
by Isabelle Skrlda On Saturday, April 24, the Pierce FFA chapter members put on their annual banquet. At the start of the banquet the officer team kicked it off with the opening ceremony. After . . .
FFA Chapter Competes at LDEs
by Brielle Unseld Our Pierce FFA Chapter competed in the local Leadership Development Events (LDEs) on Wednesday, December 16th. At LDEs, students have the opportunity to compete in speaking events about agriculture. This year, we . . .
FFA Fixin’ in the Fields
by Brielle Unseld On Saturday, October 10th, the Pierce FFA officer team participated in “FFA Fixin’ in the Fields” We traveled around the Pierce area and delivered meals to all the local farmers . . .
Land Judging
by Brielle Unseld On October 6th, 2020, 14 students from Pierce High School participated in this year’s land judging competition. It was held south of Pierce. Thanks to Ken and Adam Venteicher for allowing us to use . . .
The Greenhouse Project
by Maddie Huber Pierce High School will be constructing a greenhouse to provide teachers and students with new and exciting learning opportunities. The greenhouse will be constructed by Bolling . . .
Pierce FFA has Successful Day at District Career Development Events
by Makinzie Parsons On March 4th Pierce FFA made an impact at district CDE’s, with three teams placing 1ST and two teams placing 2nd. In all Pierce took eight teams to the contest with all finding . . .
Livestock Judging
by Makinzie Parsons Pierce FFA sent nine members to Northeast Community College in Norfolk for District Livestock Judging on January 30th. Travis Jensen was the lone senior judger. The other eight included . . .
FFA 2019 Highlights
Some of the FFA highlights of 2019 can be viewed by clicking on the link below. FFA 2019 Highlights
District Leadership Development Events
by Makinzie Parsons Leadership Development Events(LDEs ), the place to face your public speaking fears. On December 11th, the Pierce FFA . . .
SAE Grants
by Makinzie Parsons Dakota Marks, Haiden Magnussen, and Cruz Gleason were awarded $500 for their SAEs (Supervised Agricultural Experience). . . .
FFA Nationals
by Makinzie Parsons FFA Nationals is a place to meet new people, experience new things, and to realize the scope of FFA. This year the Pierce FFA took the following 10 members: Travis Jensen, Abygail Streff, . . .
Waste to Worth
by Makinzie Parsons Our own Plant Science/Agronomy class here at the high school has teamed up with a University of Nebraska-Lincoln multidisciplinary research team, Natural Resources Conservation Service . . .
Dairy Judging
by Makinzie Parsons On September 25, Pierce FFA participated in the District IV Dairy Cattle Evaluation contest. Alex Meier, Colbey Jensen, Cameron Armitage, and Dakota Marks made up the junior team. The senior . . .
Husker Harvest Days
by Makinzie Parsons Last Wednesday, September 11, 20 members from the Pierce FFA chapter attended Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island. Husker Harvest Days annually hosts 600+ exhibitors displaying the latest . . .
Tractor Driving
by Makinzie Parsons On Saturday September 7th students of Pierce FFA competed in the district 4 tractor driving contest hosted by the Pierce FFA Alumni. Other chapters that competed included Allen, Crofton, . . .
1st Annual FFA Alumni/Parent BBQ
By Makinzie Parsons On September 3, the Pierce FFA chapter and the local alumni hosted the first annual member/parent barbecue. The turnout was great with many new people that signed up to join the Pierce FFA . . .
FFA News
by Makinzie Parsons The 2019-2020 officer team packed their bags and headed out to Valentine for some fun in the sun and to plan out the year’s agenda and goals at COLT camp, Chapter Officer Leadership Training. We . . .
FFA’s Annual Banquet
By Makinzie Parsons Out with the old, in with the new. At this year’s annual FFA banquet we inducted our new officers and gave out many awards. First and foremost, we ate an amazing meal provided by Tinker . . .
Pierce FFA Website
Check out the FFA Website!!! Please click on the following link:
- ClassLink
- PowerSchool
- Breakfast Menu
- Lunch Menu
- School Calendar
- Pierce Activities Calendar
- Canvas
- Lunch Account Balance
- Credit Card Lunch Deposits
- Pierce High School Counseling
- Pierce High School Library
- Concussion Video/Release Form
- School Beacon
- Pierce Live Stream
- PPS ESSRIII and Return to School Plan and Surveys