PATS Help Purchase iPads
Did you know that PATS just helped purchase a cart of 20 iPads for elementary students and teachers to use?
PATS (Parents and Teachers for Students) held their first meeting of the school year on Tuesday, August 29 at 6:30 pm in the elementary school library.
Officers for the 2017-2019 term are: President-Erin Zierke, Secretary-Teresa Wales, and Treasurer-Melissa Holan. We are currently looking for a Vice President.
Upcoming events for PATS include Spirit Sales for Friday, October 6. PATS will also be altering fundraisers for the school year by not selling magazines and moving cookie dough sales to the fall. Watch for a note home for more information.
It’s not too late to join PATS! Meetings are the last Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the elementary library. See our activities and follow us on Facebook at Pierce Elementary PATS.