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FFA News

by Makinzie Parsons


The 2019-2020 officer team packed their bags and headed out to Valentine for some fun in the sun and to plan out the year’s agenda and goals at COLT camp, Chapter Officer Leadership Training. We created our new mission statement, discussed goals, visons for our chapter, and learned how to work together as a team. We weren’t always working though, we took a break and went floating down the Snake River, stopping to see Smith Falls National Park.


This year at the Pierce County Fair, the FFA held the annual hog wrestling on Saturday. We had 18 teams participate overall. Wrestling the medium sized pigs, around 90 pounds, team Let’s Get This Bacon, consisting of Luke Endworf, Jakob Wragge, Zach Meier, and Alex Meier won; as winners their team got a $50 payout to split between them. Wrestling the large pigs, around 180 pounds, in second place, Devon Unseld, Brett Tinker, Dylan Kuehler, and Seth Valverde on the team Pulled Porkers, got a $20 gift card to Tinker’s Catering. Coming in first place was Pig Pack and a Pound; on this team was Collin Tinker, Maci Kroupa, Ashton Wragge, and Erin Olson. They received shirts and a $100 payout to split between the team. Thank you to all the support and help from the fair board and others to make this event a success.



Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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