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Robojays Compete at WSC

Robojays Compete at WSC

by Treva Dostal


The Pierce Robotics Team (Robojays) were in action at  Wayne State College on Monday, January 13.  The Robojays sent two teams, Sprockets for Breakfast and No Idea, for the Tower Takeover VEX event.  The high school division had participants from Battle Creek, O'Neill, South Sioux City, and Pierce. Teams design robots to work autonomously and with driver control.  The object of the game is to stack cubes in goals and elevate point totals by placing cubes in scoring towers.  Each team is partnered with another to form an alliance during each round.  Teams compete in qualifying matches to establish position for the final tournament.  Overall, Sprockets for Breakfast finished 4th and No Idea finished 9th.  “I feel that the team, Sprockets for Breakfast, dominated the match and did a lot better than they did before,” said Angel Heisinger whose team includes Dalton Svoboda and Matthew Steffen. When asked how his team could improve, Zach Price said, “Definitely working on communication and working harder in practice and not trying to shove everything together on the final day.” Price’s team includes Nicholas Lienemann and Emilia Goetsch.  This was the last robotics competition of the year for the Robojays.  


Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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