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Pierce FFA has Successful Day at District Career Development Events

by Makinzie Parsons


On March 4th Pierce FFA  made an impact at district CDE’s, with three teams placing 1ST and two teams placing 2nd. In all Pierce took eight teams to the contest with all finding success in some capacity.  Teams placing first are as follows: Ag Mechanics with team members Kelton Anderson, Ayden Thelen, Dean Orwig, and Keaton Weeder,  Agronomy with team members Garret Meier, Tristan Miller, Cruz Gleason, and Mark Venteicher, and the Welding team, which consisted of team members Carter Jensen, Dylan Kuelher, Tristan Miller, and Dean Orwig. At a seperate contest the Junior Livestock Judging Team also took home the Champion Trophy with team members Luke Endorf, Colten Fritz, Makinzie Parsons, and Grant Snodgrass.  The Veterinary Science team and Envirothon team both placed 2nd. Team members for Veterinary Science included Rebecca Albrecht, Colton Fritz, Makinzie Parsons, and Abygail Streff. The Envirothon team consisted of Kelton Anderson, Marlie Kroupa, Brett Tinker, Ayden Thelen, Abygail Streff. Other teams that competed were Agriscience, Floriculture, and Livestock Management. Mr. Neal stated, “The talent at Pierce High School is hard to match, but what is most impressive is how much effort our students put in to prepare for these events.” He also recognized the Pierce community, by stating “the willingness of community members to give up their time to help train or share their knowledge with some of the teams is a huge attribute to the success we found at the contest.” Those teams that placed at districts will move on to compete at the Nebraska FFA State Convention in Lincoln April 1-3. 


First photo:

Left to right: Julia Polt, Laura Suchan, Marlie Kroupa, Kyla Knox, Ayden Thelen, Larissa Meier, Rebecca Albrecht, Zaylah Pfanstiel, Carter Meier, Abygail Streff, Keaton Weeder, Makinzie Parsons, Colbey Jensen, Dean Orwig, Tristan Miller, Mark Venteicher, Brett Tinker, Cruz Gleason, Carter Jensen, Colton, Fritz, Dylan Kuehler, Kelton Anderson, Samuel Rosno, Garret Meier, and Tristan Kuehler.



Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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