New FCCLA Officer Inducted at Annual Family Banquet
by Samantha Fischer
On Friday, April 23, the Pierce FCCLA members held their annual family banquet.
At the banquet, the officers put on a potluck supper, and the chapter members all helped pitch in and brought a side dish, while the main course was provided by the chapter. Also, new officers were inducted into their positions.
New officers include Samantha Fischer as the President, District Representative, and Public Relations, Vice President is Graison Pfeiffer, Secretary is Morgan Schnoor, and Sara Thomsen is the Historian.
Former president Alexis Schnoor says, “The banquet went super well. I was pleased with the turnout. I’m proud of the members this year and everything they accomplished in the chapter, and I wish them the best next year.”
The Pierce chapter was also honored to have guest speakers Carol Erwin and Jamie Janousek attend the banquet and get their insight on how FCCLA helps students in the future.
The FCCLA chapter also raised money for a local family whose son was recently in a car accident by having a silent auction and selling themed baskets.
Advisor Angie Brodersen says, “The 2021 FCCLA Banquet far exceeded my expectations.nIt was a night for our members to look back and see all we have accomplished in one year, celebrate the successes earned through competitive events, and plan for the future. All in all the event was a great tribute to a fantastic bunch of students at PHS.”
The Pierce FCCLA chapter is very excited to start planning a very fun and eventful year.