TMBaits Heads to State
by Isabelle Skrdla
Trever Montgomery, sophomore at Pierce High School, has started a bait business for his FFA project, or his Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). He submitted his SAE into the Ag Sales proficiency award contest and came out in gold.
This young man has had to learn how to start from scratch and how to adapt to running a business. Trever will be taking his proficiency to the next level at state FFA, in April. Montgomery states, “I feel like most people when something does not turn out they give up, but this cannot be the case; you have to keep pushing and pushing and pushing. Things aren’t always going to go your way, things aren't going to turn out perfect. I’ve learned this a lot with owning my own business, because yes I don’t always have that perfect bait or the best color turn out. If you want success you have to keep pushing for the things you love.”
Montgomery strives to keep expanding his product and his knowledge.