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Future Farmers Experience Indy

By Ella Gaes 


Ten FFA members from the Pierce FFA Chapter got to experience the 95th National FFA Convention located in Indianapolis, Indiana.

On the evening of Tuesday, October 25, this group packed up and headed to Randolph High School where they transferred to the charter bus jammed packed with several other schools. They began their adventure as they slept throughout the night to wake up in Indiana. They spend most of their time at the vast convention center where a sea of navy jackets flowed throughout the hallways trying to reach the career fair, mega mall, or make it to a breakout session where members learned about growing themselves to the person they want to be.

First-year attendee, Alexis Sporleder commented on the trip, “I think it was really fun to be with my friends for a couple of days and to be out in the big city. Also, I thought seeing all of the FFA members was pretty amazing. My favorite part of the trip was the career expo because there was so much fun stuff to see and do. I also thought the rodeo was pretty exciting and fun.”

The bus arrived and the members were off to get into their official dress. The most important clothing garment was their navy corduroy jacket, which has been a part of the FFA organization since 1933. There were around 65,000 FFA members present, so it is always mesmerizing to see the sea of navy jackets everywhere someone would look. After a long day of waiting in line, the members got to relax back at their hotel rooms. 

The next morning came right around the corner with another early morning. Pierce chapter members all prepared for day two of the large convention center. For lunchtime, the members were able to explore downtown Indianapolis and have lunch. The downtown area was swarmed with hungry FFA members and the lines were crazy long. That night the members got all dressed up to head to the “World's Toughest Rodeo” where they got to watch the best of the best bronc and bull riders perform for eight seconds. 

The next morning the members were up bright and early to begin their day of tours. The first stop was a 300,000 square foot warehouse that showed the process of what happens behind the scenes of ordering from Amazon. After that, members traveled to Peoria, Illinois, where they walked through the Luthy Botanical Garden. Next stop was Davenport, Iowa, where Pierce FFA members checked into their new hotel and rested up for the next early morning heading for Des Moines, Iowa, where they got to see the farmers market. Finally the busload of Nebraska FFA members headed for home. 

The National Convention is an amazing experience for anyone and the Pierce Chapter always makes it a great time. 

Pierce advisor, Matthew Neal says, “It is always fun to see the reaction of the first-time students get to participate in the National FFA Convention. It really gives good insights to how big the FFA organization really is.”

Keep your eyes open for more FFA fun, there are many more upcoming events. Fruit sales have started and end November 18.



Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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