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Hard Work “Pays” Off

By Ella Gaes 


At the last FFA monthly meeting, the Pierce FFA Alumni presented a $500 grant to four FFA members for their SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) projects. Each FFA member has an SAE project they complete every year and is encouraged to fill out a rigorous application that is judged by the alumni’s committee. 

Congratulations to the 2023 grant recipients Trever Montogomery, Weston and Wyatt Stemick, and Cayden Holan.

Starting off, Trevor Montogomery has created his own fishing bait business famously known around town as TMBaits. Montgomery can create any color of fishing bait and lure as well as any design. Check out his awesome website at tmbaits.com

Next, Weston Stemick has his own blade sharpening business called Elm Wood Sharpening. He receives clipper blades used for trimming any livestock and sharpens them with several different machines. You can find his business on Facebook. 

Wyatt Stemick’s SAE features building a new and improved bigger barn for his ten show cattle. The Stemick family shows cattle year round and their favorite shows are the local county fairs.   

Lastly, Caden Holan will use the grant to raise his show cattle. Specifically, he will buy feed and show supplies. Holan begins to show his cattle at fairs starting in the spring and ends at the Nebraska State Fair toward the end of August, where he will sell them. Holan said, “I was super surprised when my name was announced for the grant. The money will be useful for all of the supplies that go along with showing.”

Matt Neal, the FFA advisor, says, “The grants are a great opportunity for students to expand their SAE projects. Our chapter is very fortunate to have an active alumni to support our students through these types of programs.”

Every year, all FFA members have the opportunity to receive the grant by putting in the hard work, dedication, and time into their Supervised Agricultural Experience.



Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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