What is John Baylor?
By Ella Gaes
John Baylor is an online course that prepares thousands of students annually for the ACT and SAT. Baylor’s contrarian techniques have inspired students for decades by improving scores, scholarships, and college choices. These “OnToCollege” online classes routinely increase an entire high school’s ACT average score by one to three points and SAT average score by 50-150 points according to the On To College website.
At Pierce High, 54 juniors are split into two groups and rotate each session for their John Baylor ACT Prep Course. This starts after Christmas break and usually ends the first week of March, just in time for the subject prep day with teachers before the big test. The course begins at 2:25 p.m. and ends at 3:35. Students watch an informative video, work on the assessment, and complete the homework during each course. The entire program includes 12 sessions including a practice ACT test toward the end, followed by the ACT.
After talking to Mrs. Amy Lambrecht, counseling assistant and instructor of the John Baylor class, she adds, “This course is so important because these scores will not only make a difference with scholarships and college entrance, but also later in life if students choose to go back to school. There are so many helpful references in this program and all students should use it to their best advantage.”
Pierce High features a five-point jump club posted in the commons for students who increase their ACT score by five or more points from their pre-ACT score after taking the John Baylor prep course.
Students at Pierce High have the opportunity to retake the prep courses or refresher courses at no charge.
From grades 7-12, there are study and test-taking skill videos available. John Baylor also offers live tutoring and test prep that takes place before an ACT test will occur. If students wish to take the SAT, the prep course can be provided as well.
After talking to junior Travis Emory, a student who has retaken the prep course and is preparing to take his second ACT, he comments, “The John Baylor program gives me many strategies that I wouldn’t know of before taking the test to efficiently get through the test in the time allocated. The practice also gives many questions that simulate the ACT. Although people say John Baylor is very boring, it will help your ACT score if you put in maximum effort.”
Across the state of Nebraska, all juniors are required to take the ACT test and with the cost of the ACT going up at $63.00 for each test, Pierce pays for the ACT prep and a test to submit to any college. The John Baylor program is a great way to prepare for any upcoming test that students at Pierce High may be encountering.