Robotics Team Built Their Way to Ravenna
By Keaton Vavra
Both teams in Pierce High Robotics competed in the Ravenna Public Schools V5RC Blended Tournament on Saturday, January 18.
Team 71414A Noggin Boppers, consisting of Brandon Thomsen, Makayla Shefl, Andrew Lienemann, and Tiffany Chaney, ranked 10th in the tournament.
“I think we did very well today. Making it to semifinals and getting the innovate award was definitely the highlight of the day. We had amazing strategy and driving during our matches. Unfortunately, we lost in semifinals to the eventual winners by a three point margin, but we put up a great fight. Overall we had a very successful day,” Shefl, a sophomore, said.
Pierce’s team 71414A earned the innovate award, with one of the components of earning this award being from both the team interview and engineering notebook to demonstrate independent inquiry from the beginning stages of their design process through execution. The team also has to show effective time management and communication skills.
Team 71414G Gear Giggles Gang, made up of Ethan Chaney, Layne Prince, Nicholas Fisher, and Alexander McKeown, placed 18th in the tournament.
The robotics team will be O’Neill on Saturday, January 25.