Pierce Elementary and High School Back to School Numbers
By Alanna McKeown
The Pierce high school and elementary school both went back to school from holiday break on January 3, 2025.
At the elementary school there are a total of 332 students this school year. The largest number of students in the elementary school in the past six years has been 357 students and the lowest was 328 students. The elementary has a pretty steady enrollment. The last few years it has remained about the same. The classes are about the same as usual with maybe two or three kids per class smaller than the year that they had 357.
“It is nice staying about the same for class splits. It also allows our teachers to keep teaching the same grade each year and not having to move because class sizes are requiring more classrooms per grade,” Trent Suehl, the principal of the elementary school, said.
In the high school there are a total of 341 students this school year. The largest number of students in the high school was 440 and the lowest was about 305 students.
“I say we’re relatively holding steady in trend right now, as we look down into our elementary school,” high school principal Mark Brahmer comments.
In just a few short months all the students in Pierce will be heading out on the last day of school for summer break.