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Bluejay Basketball

Bluejays Escape with Narrow Win over Vikings
By Peyton Brunckhorst

The Pierce Bluejays competed against the Columbus Lakeview Vikings on January 14, at Pierce and edged through with a 60-58 win after double overtime.  

“The kids showed great resilience, especially with going into two overtimes and continued to fight to the very end,” said assistant coach Kaleb Anderson. 

Ending the first quarter, the Bluejays were short with a score of 15-8.

Pierce added 10 more points on the board in the second quarter but was still behind four points ending the first half 122-18.

Inching closer to the Vikings in the third quarter, the Bluejays were only behind two points to end the quarter 32-30.

Moving on to the fourth quarter, Pierce tied the game 48-48 to go into overtime. 

Dribbling into overtime, the Bluejays tied the game again, adding four more points to the board to make the score 52-52 to go into a second overtime.

Concluding the game with two overtimes, the Bluejays shot their way to a 60-58 win.

Leading Pierce in points were Keaton Frazier with 28 points and Brock Collison with 21 points. In addition, Gavin Lubischer had eight points and Kendall Shada had three points.

The boys will head to Summerland on Thursday, January 23.



Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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