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SKA Babysits and Makes Blankets 

By Parker Gaes

Secret Kindness Agents (SKA) do a service project every month of the school year and January's service project was making tie blankets for the residents of the Pierce nursing home, Premier Estates, and February’s service project was parents night out. 

SKA warmed up the residents at the nursing home with tie blankets they made for them. Almost all of the SKA students participated in making the blankets and nine of them helped hand them out at the nursing home. 

Then in February, SKA kicked off a very exciting event on February 14, from 5-9 p.m. at Pierce Elementary for the parents that are planning on going on a date for Valentine’s Day.

In the weeks following up to parent’s night out there was an online registration for the parents to get them signed in early and they had to pay $15 online ahead of time. All together, SKA had over 70 elementary kids participate in the event. 

When the children arrived, they first got a wristband that matched one of the parents they have so the SKA members knew which kid goes to which parent. Following, the elementary students sat at their age groups table and ate pizza, along with some snacks. After eating, they all colored and did crafts and then the elementary students all played along in a game of bingo where they won all different kinds of prizes. When the game was over, the children enjoyed the movie “Elemental” and popcorn along with a little bottle of water. After everything was over, the parents came and picked up the kids from the elementary around 9 p.m. 

“Helping out with the different service projects in SKA is a great feeling. I had a lot of fun with the little kids, and I really enjoyed talking with the residents at the nursing home,” Alanna McKeown, one of the SKA students, states. 

February is random acts of kindness month, so SKA challenges the community to do random acts of kindness. 

Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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