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The Dance Team Takes the Stage in Grand Island

By Rylee Altwine 

The dance team took a trip to Grand Island and the Heartland Events Center on Friday, February 21, for the Nebraska Coaches Association (NCA) yearly state dance competition. 

The team consists of seniors Aubrey Hanson, and Alexis Sporleder,  juniors Addison Willer and Lillian Blank, and sophomore Cailyn Rampone. 

The team took two dances to state: hip-hop and jazz. The Jays placed 10th in jazz and 17th in hip-hop. 

“I think we performed the best we had all year long in both categories. We could have always improved in smaller technique problems, but overall it was a good performance. I am sad since it was my last time dancing competitively after 12 years with Aubrey Hanson,” Sporleder stated. 

I am very proud of the girls and how they performed. There has been huge growth from last year to this year. Class C1 has some stiff competition and the girls went out there and performed the best they have all year,” head coach Allie Spence states. 

State dance was a finishing touch to the season for the dance team. 


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