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Brother/Sister Duos Compete at State Wrestling

By Cameron Kuehler

While Pierce has had a couple siblings go to state the same year, this year was different as it was the first time that Pierce sent a brother sister duo to wrestle at the state tournament. Pierce did not just send one duo though, they sent two.

Sophomore brother Kyle Kuehler (190) and junior sister Isabelle Kuehler (155) wrestled with each other. Senior Elijah Streff (132) and Sophomore Isabelle Streff (110) also wrestled alongside each other. K. Kuehler ended up not placing, but his older sister wrapped up her season with the second place medal. 

“It's exciting that we both made it to state and hope that we make it next year,” K. Kuehler says. These two both have next year to show what they can do. "It's very exciting to have both of us wrestling together. It would have been a little better to be wrestling at the same time so we could watch each other,” I. Kuehler exclaims. 

The Streff siblings ended up not placing, but supported each other through the wins and losses. E. Streff finished his high school career at the state tournament and exclaims that he had the best support from his younger sister. “It was pretty cool to make it to state with my sister. She is one of my biggest supporters. Since the start of wrestling, we had both been hoping to make it and to actually accomplish that goal was a huge success,” E. Streff says. 

I. Streff, only being a sophomore, still has a couple more years of wrestling, but a lifetime of support from her brother. “It was really exciting to be able to share the experience with my brother, especially since it was his senior year. My brother has been one of my biggest supporters, and I loved being able to be the same for him. It was my first year and his second, so he was also able to help me know what to expect,” I. Streff explains. 


Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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