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St. Patrick's Day

By Addisyn Ludden 

St. Patrick's Day originated from Ireland. It was first celebrated in Ireland with religious services and feasts in honor of St. Patrick, one of Ireland's patron saints. St. Patrick's Day came to America because of Irish immigrants who brought their traditions with them. 

St. Patrick's Day is March 17 of every year and is celebrated by many Americans today. This holiday is filled with the color green, parades/celebrations, and good luck charms. Many people celebrate with lots of food, hanging out with friends or family, and wearing their green so they do not get pinched. 

“I will be in school wearing green from head to toe so I do not get pinched. And when I get home it will just be another day, and I will do my homework and go to bed,” junior Rylee Altwine says. 

“St. Patricks day is just a normal day to me. I will be wearing green and pinching whomever doesn’t. For breakfast I will be eating green eggs and ham and a Shamrock shake,” comments junior Cameron Kuehler.


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