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Milford Defeats Pierce

Milford Defeats Pierce
By Brody Knox

Milford advanced to state after defeating the Pierce Bluejays by seven points, 46-39, at the C1 district finals on Friday, February 28, in Milford. 

The Bluejays, trailing by double digits through most of the first half, rallied back in the second half of the game, tying the score early in the fourth quarter. Pierce outscored the Eagles 27-19 in the second half, but could not overcome the 27-12 deficit from the first half of the game.

“I feel I did as much as I could to help the team, and in the end, it just didn’t work out,” senior guard Skylar Scholting comments. 

Scholting led the team with 16 points, followed by Haley Scholting with 10 points. Grace Suckstorf trails the Scholtings with seven points, while Abigail Cone and Emily Endorf added four and two points, respectively. 

Hadley Wragge led the Bluejays in assists with a total of four, followed by H. Scholting and S. Scholting with two each, and Cone and Endorf with one each. 

“Anything can happen in a district final. I’ll miss this team even though we were the complete underdogs in this game,” Cone, a junior, states. “It would be so we didn’t let that affect the way we played and still played hard until the end and didn’t give up.” 

Pierce wrapped up their season with an 18-9 record.



Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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